ArcGis Pro 1.0 Tutorial English: 4.3 – adding a layout

If the creation of a map is relatively close to what we do in ArcMap, for the creation of a layout a non-negligible intellectual exercise is required. The ArcGis Pro Ribbon allows you to re-group commands that are a bit scattered in ArcMap. The only place where we can say everything is pretty much grouped is the Layout section of ArcMap. In ArcGis Pro you will wander from tab to tab and from button to button … So let’s get what it takes and attack the ArcGis Pro Layout.

Firstly I propose to discuss the conceptual differences of the Layout compared to what you know about ArcMap, and, finally, considering an example.

An ArcGis Pro layout is a map view just like a map or a scene. When you add a   Layout, a new tab is created in the map views. Each map view is independent and has its own settings. On the other hand, a layer loaded in ArcGis Pro is stored just once, even if it appears in several map views (a map and a scene, or a map and layout, etc.). If you turn off the display of a layer in a view, it will automatically turn off in all other views where it appears. On the other side, the display scope of a view does not change the scope of another view. Forget the link between the data window and the ArcMap layout window! You will have to define the scope of your map in the layout, obligatorily.

To display a map, you will have to create a map frame. You can create map windows corresponding to a map in your project, or simply empty map windows, if you are building a layout template.

In ArcMap you have two buttons bars allowing you to zoom, move, etc., one for the data, the other for the page layout. If you want to change the scope you will zoom on the data, and if you want to see in more detail how your data appears, you will zoom on the layout.

Here, by default you are in layout mode. When you use the mouse cursor or the wheel, you control the sheet layout. If you want to control the data, for example move the view and zoom in a section, you will have to   activate   the map window. Then, it will change to data mode. Let’s see an example. We continue with our data from the two previous articles (   ArcGis Pro 1.0 Tutorial English: 4.1 – migrate an ArcMap document , ArcGis Pro 1.0 Tutorial English: 4.2 – create a map   ). 

 To create a Layout, click the INSERTION Tab-> New layout


 A window to define the support for the layout appears:

 Then, you will have a new map view added, as well as the layout added to the project in the Project panel.

You will find in the ribbon, the tab   INSERT . This is where you can add the different elements of the layout: map window, scale bar, legend, etc.

Add a map window to the layout

To add a map window (the equivalent of the ArcMap data block) you will use the button   Cartographic window   located at the tab   INSERT   ribbon.

If you click the button, a window with a scope by default is added. Initially this scope corresponds to the scope of your organization in ArcGis Online. 
Tip: Set bookmarks on your maps. Instead of clicking directly on the Map Window button, expand it:

You will have the gallery of geo bookmarks that will allow you to choose an appropriate scope.

 First thing to do: change the size and location of your window. You can click it and use the mouse to convey the desired size and position. To be as accurate as possible, you can use the FORMAT tab (visible only when you select the map window!):

How to modify the scope of the map window

Even with the bookmarks there is not a chance that the window scope could match the desired scope. It must, therefore, be modified. 
To do this, you must switch to ArcMap data mode, by activating the window 
Tab   Layout -> button   Activate

 Your map window looks like this:

Now you can change the scope by zooming in and dragging the contents of the map window, as long as you find the adequate tool. But where is my standard ArcMap toolbar?! Forget it. To use the mouse to zoom and move, click for example on the Zoom In   button  Navigate group  of the Map tab

You can then click and drag the contents of the map window, or zoom in and out with the mouse wheel. When finished, close the activated mode by clicking on the red cross at the top right or by clicking   layout   at the top left.

How to shape the window

You do not want a rectangular map? No problem. Select your map window by clicking on it to bring up the tabs   CREATION   and   FORMAT . 
In the CREATION  tab you have the button   REMODELER . 

And if you deploy it, you will see the remodelling options

 You define the new shape with the mouse. 
Here is the result for the ellipse option

As there are, still,   too many elements of the layout to discuss, we pause and continue in the following article …

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