Even if Google does not advertise, you should be aware that the Google Earth Pro license has become free since the beginning of 2015. Therefore, you can download, install and use Google Earth Pro without limitations, free of charge.
One of the advantages is the possibility to load shapefiles into Google Earth, without making a prior transformation to kml. This transformation will be performed by Google Earth Pro.
Firstly, let’s discuss how to download the latest version of Google Earth Pro…
Installing GoogleEarth Pro To download the latest version, go to the following address https://support.google.com/earth/answer/176160?hl=fr

on the FOLLOWING link :

Click the Auto Support link forGoogle Earth Proaccounts

Click Accept and Download Double click on the file downloaded to install the program. At the end of the installation you will find a License key request.

Type your email address in Username and GEPFREE in license key. Click Login.

And now you have Google Earth Pro installed and activated on your PC.
Next time you launch the program, a window will ask you to sign in with the email entered during use.Check Auto Log to avoid this step in future connections.
Load a shape file in Google Earth Pro The File -> Open or File -> Import suggests the following formats :

Select ESRI shape and point the shape file to be loaded. The corresponding . prj file must be present .

A window asks you if you want to

Click YES.

Select the field containing the thematic classification of the layer. Click on the Color tab to set the colors to be used.

The option Set color from field allows to enter manually the color to apply to each of the different values contained in the Name field.
To apply a default color for each value, select the option Use pre-setcolors.Click OK and give a name and location to the kst file that will be created . If you want to reload this layer,you will load directly the kst file and you will not have to repeat all the .file operation.

By default,the layer loaded is not activated. To display the layer, check the corresponding box in the legend