The ArcBruTile
0.5 new version is available. To download, follow
this link:
As it is not easy to have an
updated documentation of this tool, in this article there is some useful
information to make the most of it.

We will discuss one by one the toolbar available options.

The available option under this menu item is Mapnik
Mapnik is a free map rendering
software that is used by OSM to draw the main map. OSM
uses Mapnik to draw 256 x 256 px squares, which are then delivered from the
tile server at
Mapnik tiles are generated and
stored on the server. They are
calculated by a weekly extraction which is currently carried out on Wednesday
mornings (GMT / BST time zone). Each tile has its date of
creation and a simple marking of obsolescence (flag or flag) meaning that it is
ready to be recalculated. The rendering engine follows
these few rules:
- When a user checks a tile on the OSM site, there is an automatic control to discover
if it is more than seven days older than. - If it is > seven days, it is ticked as obsolete (and , therefore, it will renew ).
A rendering process generates through a background process, a list of all the ‘obsolete’ tiles and; then
launches the new rendering for these tiles . Once finished , it requests for a
new list of tiles marked as obsolete .
Therefore , if no one is watching an area, it will not be updated often
. The tiles are recalculated according to interest / attention. To tick a tile as
obsolete does not include those tiles covering
the same area at higher zoom levels as obsolete . If you read ‘More OpenStreetMap coming soon …’ on a tile,
it means that there is no data for this one and that it is on queue to be recalculated
The other OSM rendering engine, Osmarender , is not accessible with
ArcBruTile .

Since ArcBruTile no longer displays Google Maps , this option remains
the most used . No need to search for Bing Traffic options , you are limited to
basic displays .

Stamen is a company
in San Francisco, that has developed applications from
The Terrain option only covers the United States, while two
, Watercolor and Toner, cover the whole
world .
The option Watercolor is used
for the map background. It applies effects on the
OpenStreetMaps coverage that gives the map a
hand drawing watercolor style.
The Toner option is a rendering black
and white high contrast OpenStreetMap data.
The following figure shows an example
both options jointly .

MapBox is an
company specialized
on-line mapping and very linked
to OpenStreetMaps .

Satellite coverage, with a definition
to Bing Satellite, does not offer much interest .
MapQuest is an American company that
works on the OpenStreetMap data.

The OpenAerialMap option only covers the United
The OSM option displays the same data
OppenstreetMap with a slightly different
Strava is a site dedicated to
cyclo-tourism . You can
sections of Strava, but no associated information .
interest of such display escapes
me . But if you
find one , it’s possible to do it.
Tianditu is the Chinese world server.
The only problem is
that I have never come across this
in the right place . Let’s be honest
, I have sought a little
my Chinese being very rudimentary and most of the articles being in
VO, I have not found a solution. It must
be said that with version 0.4 all I got while trying to
display the Tianditu layer was to crash ArcMap in
each attempt.
In any case , if you have any
tips…please let me enlighten my ignorance!
We have discussed all the
ArcBruTile toolbar elements , but it, still, remains

By clicking Add
TMS service you open
that lets you select a provider
and, within this provider , a service.

In addition to the directly available
services in the toolbar, you will find
( a cover of Map type and another satellite types, for the moment almost non-existent )
and VWorld , the Korean server which covers, predominantly, Asia .